Online Learning
Online learning has never been more important than in recent times. Luckily, Loreto College had embarked on this journey a number of years ago with the introduction of Google Drive and Docs for teachers and students, with the more recent addition of Google Classroom to our Google Suite. We find that the Google platform is accessible, easy to use and functional, helping to meet the educational needs of all of our students in an extremely comprehensive way.
The Loreto G-Suite offers students access to Google Drive - an online folder system for organising and storing their subjects' material and notes, Gmail - an efficient communications tool between teachers and students, Google Docs - a user-friendly online word processor, and the wonderful facility of the Google Classroom - a domain for receiving information on class notes, material and assignments and a place where student work can be sent to their teachers. The G-Suite facilities are colourful, easy to learn to use and to navigate, and comprehensive in meeting the demands of what online and blended learning requires of students and teachers alike.
- Click here to access a Padlet full of information that introduces the Google Suite as well as offering some advice on how to log in, navigate, and so on.
- Click here to read about protocol for students in online and/or blended learning
- Click here to read the online learning guide for parents/guardians