Transition Year
Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme taken after Junior Cycle and before the two-year Leaving Certificate programme.
General Information on Transition Year:
TY is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes.
It is available to all second-level schools and currently some 550 schools offer the programme.
TY may be optional or mandatory for students depending on the individual school’s policy.
Each school designs its own Transition Year programme, within set guidelines, to suit the needs and interests of its students.
In establishing its own distinctive programme content, the school takes into account the possibilities offered by local community interests.
There is no state examination at the end of Transition Year. Assessment is usually carried out on an ongoing basis and can include school-based assessment of projects or portfolios, oral, aural, practical and written activities.
Evaluation of activities such as work experience or community service will often involve the providers or hosts of such activities.
Some modules may have their own assessment arrangements.
Visit the department-of-education website for more information.
Transition Year in Loreto College:
Each academic year sees almost 100 students opting to take Transition Year in our school.
During this year, students study the normal range of academic subjects:
- Irish, English and Mathematics
- Modern Foreign Languages
- General Science
- Careers
- P.E.
- Home Economics
- History
- Geography
- Business Studies
- Information Technology (I.T.)
- Religious Education
- Economics
- Art
- Music
- Physics
- Horticulture
- Choir
The following areas are also offered on a modular basis:
- First Aid
- Self Defence
- Drama
- Law
- Media Studies
- Transition Year GAA Future Leaders
In addition the students undertake:
- Project work
- Work Experience
- Visit a range of places of economic, social, historical, religious, political and scientific interest
- Participate in outdoor pursuits
- Engage in social activities in the local community
- Have lectures from visiting guest-speakers on a wide range of topics
Our school collaborates with our neighbouring Coláiste Mhuire in some Transition Year programmes and events such as our school musical, and social dancing, and 2022/2023 saw the inagural TY Cup competition with both Coláiste Mhuire and St. Finian's College.
Our Transition Year Coordinator is Ms Catherine Gallagher.