While frost, disappointment in missing out on a snow day, and stormy weather might be mentioned by students of Loreto College, Mullingar if asked about the month of January 2025, we have no doubt that some of the many activites that have happened within our school community in the month after the Christmas break would feature too.
In the realm of sport, we have had soccer teams (senior and junior), rugby teams (senior and junior) Gaelic football teams (1st and 2nd Years) and basketball teams (1st and 2nd Years) take to the field and court respectively. Our 1st and 2nd Year students on the soccer development squad continued their training for an upcoming blitz. The school swim team have been preparing for their next gala. Our athletics competitors and teams also braved the elements, bringing home silverware before they head on to the next stage of their competitions. A special mention goes to the two 1st Year soccer teams who took part in the annual Loreto Schools Soccer Blitz and who met each other in the semi-final! The blitz was attended by Loreto Dalky, Loreto Bray, Loreto Balbriggin, Loreto Foxfrock, Loreto on the Green, and Loreto Mullingar. Well done to the Mullingar girls in bringing home the trophy after meeting Loreto Bray in the final.
Our Transition Years have been as busy as ever, working as referees and mentors at the Loreto Schools Soccer blitz, assisting with the U15 soccer team and junior basketball teams, attending the BT Young Scientist Competition in Dublin, and commencing their work experience.
Our Ember Team collaborated with our neighbouring secondary schools in preparing and attending a liturgy for Catholic Schools Week. Many thanks to the members of that team and to Ms Kiernan and Sr Anna along with Fr Phil.
Our 5th Year public speakers continued with rehearsals and impromptu practice for the regional final of the Soroptimists Public Speaking Competition.
Our Student Council and Health Promoting Schools team members have been busy collaborating on issues pertaining to students, with recent focus on food choices.
Our 2nd Years have been busying working on their CBAs, with Science and MFL almost complete, while PE is ongoing.
A final mention goes to our wonderful Careers Fair where local businesses and career experts visited our school offering students from 3rd Year upwards an insight into the world of work, specific careers and the many opportunites that are out there for young women. The event was a fabulous success with students gaining so much expertise from our presenters and speakers on the day. Thanks to Guidance Counsellors Ms Hyland and Ms Scally for organising this for our students.
These are just some of the many events and opportunites available to students in our school.
Our teachers, separately, have had their whole-staff training day on the Autism Class, and the 1st Year Parent Teacher meeting on top of the organisation of all of the above for their students.
Thank you for reading our January snapshot, and we hope that it gives you an insight into some of the opportunites that are available for students under our care in Loreto College. We thank, of course, our staff, but more so our students for their interest and participation in these ventures and how fantastic they are as representatives of our school.