Welcome note to our students for 2023/2024
Céad Míle Fáilte and warmest welcomes to our new students and welcome back to our returning students for the new academic year
Everyone at Loreto College, Mullingar wishes a special welcome to new students to our school for 2023/2024, particularly our First Years who begin their journey through secondary school on Friday 25th August.
Return Dates
Return dates for individual year groups are as follows:
- First Year students - Friday 25th August
- Second Year students - Friday 1st September
- Third Year students - Tuesday 29th August
- Transition Year students - Friday 1st September
- Fifth Year students - Wednesday 30th August
- Sixth Year students - Thursday 31st August
Text books & Lockers
Students are reminded that there is no requirement to bring in all text books and materials on their first day. These can be brought in gradually in the first few days of school as needed. Paid-for lockers will be issued during the students' first days at schools, and similarly, school journals will be issued. It is very important that the journal is brought to each class every day.
Additional Information for First Years
First Year students are asked to have a pair of wired headphones in their bag, as they will be needed in the first few weeks of school. First Year classes will be brought to the computer room where they will complete two assessments - the CAT4 (an abilities test) and the NGRT (a reading test). Headphones are needed for these assessments. Any wired headphones that you may have at home should be sufficient. Alternatively, these headphones can be picked up cheaply at pound shops or local shops.
Uniform & Appearance
Students are to present themselves to school each day in the correct full uniform. Footwear must be black and if a jacket is worn, which is advised for the later autumn and winter months, it must be one of the three crested jackets that are available. Click here to remind yourselves of the most up-to-date uniform information and here to revise the agreed Code of Behaviour regarding uniform.
Break and Lunch
Students are reminded that they are not permitted to leave the school grounds at break time and at lunch time. It is advised that snacks and lunch are brought to school by students for the first few days until the canteen is fully operational, and to consider keeping costs down by bringing home-made lunch to school regularly.
Support & Guidance
Students will have the support and guidance of a Year Head throughout the year in addition to our school principal and two deputy principals. Junior students will also have the support of a form teacher. These staff members endeavour to do their best to advise, guide and support students throughout the year. Year Heads and senior management also, therefore, play a role in discipline, seeing that all students have the right to learn, grow and flourish as a valued student in our school. Poor behaviour will, therefore, be taken seriously and dealt with severely as any infringement on the personal growth and positive development of our students along with preventing their learning opportunities will not be tolerated.
Our school has a pastoral care team, two guidance counsellors, and a Special Educational Needs team,all who work in addition to form teachers, Year Heads and senior management to ensure that secondary school is a safe and enjoyable place to be.
Year Heads for 2023/2024 are as follows:
- First Year - Ms Jennifer Bracken
- Second Year - Ms Therese O'Keeffe
- Third Year - Ms Bernadette O'Connor
- Transition Year - Ms Catherine Gallagher
- Fifth Year - Mr Samuel Carroll
- Sixth Year - Ms Fidelma Murphy