Uniform & Appearance Details
Please click here to access and download our school's uniform information.
General Notes
Full school uniform must be worn at all times in school and on the journey to and from school. Every student must have the appropriate navy school jacket. Any student who arrives in school without full uniform must have an explanation note from Parent/Guardian in her journal. Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the school in ensuring that their daughter wears the correct uniform to school. The Loreto fleece may only be worn in classes at the teacher’s discretion during the winter months. Sports hoodies are not to be worn in classes.
Please note:
- Students are asked to please present themselves for school in a neat and tidy manner.
- For health and safety reasons facial piercings are not allowed.
- Jewellery should be kept to a minimum and stud earrings only are acceptable.
- Non-medical make-up is not allowed.
- Hair coloured in vibrant, non-natural colours is prohibited.