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Additional Educational Needs 

Loreto College is a school that takes pride in the successes of its students, be they academic, in extracurricular endeavours,  socially, and so on. Our school is truly inclusive and works hard to both challenge and meet the needs of all of its students, regardless of their level of ability.

In order to best facilitate meeting everyone's needs, our school has a dedicated Additional Educational Needs (AEN)  team. Each year group has a liaison person or anchor that takes responsibility for students with AEN in that group. This anchor is the person with whom parents will meet should the need arise, and they will adminsiter the testing required on students to assess whether they meet the criteria for reasonable accommodations in state examinations or not, etc. They actively engage in individual, small group, and whole class interventions, such as the strongly recommended NCSE's Vocabulary Enrichment Programme (VEP). Members of the AEN team are either qualified in Special Educational Needs study programmes or are currently completing their training programmes. 

To find out more about AEN, please click here and you will be redirected to a Padlet full of relevant information. 

How we support our students:

Junior Cycle

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Senior Cycle

Fifth Year

Sixth Year

Other Information Relating to Additional Educational Needs in Our School

uisneach - Our new Autism Class