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School Self-Evaluation (SSE)

School Self-Evaluation - An introduction 

School Self-Evaluation (SSE) was introduced into the Irish education system in 2012 to improve teaching and learning. From 2012 to 2016 there was a focus on Literacy and Numeracy. From 2016 to 2020 schools engaged with the next cycle of SSE whereby they continue to maintain a meaningful focus on literacy and numeracy as well as introducing and embedding the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015.

It is a collaborative, reflective process of internal school review, focused on school improvement. We aim to reflect the standards of highly effective practice as outlined in Looking at Our School 2016: A Quality Framework for Post Primary schools.

School self-evaluation further develops the school development planning process, and focuses it firmly on teaching and learning.

SSE in Loreto College, Mullingar

In Loreto College, we endeavour to practice highly effective teaching and learning. We aim to engage students to become active learners and critical thinkers and achieve to the best of their abilities. We have focused on the following strands in our School Improvement Plans:

Strand 1Literacy
Strand 2Numeracy
Strand 3Teaching & Learning
Strand 4Managing Myself & Reflection

Our aim in each strand is summarised below: 


Increase % students reading for enjoyment

Increase no. of students who check their work for mistakes

Increase in students comfortable working in pairs/groups


Increase % students who like maths

Increase use and understanding of mathematical language

Improve learner outcomes in state exams and % uptake of subjects at higher level

Teaching & Learning

Students will be able to identify the focus of each lesson

Success Criteria will be an integral part of teaching and learning

Adopt a whole school approach to specific cross curricular tasks

Managing Myself & Reflection 

Improve use of digital technology to help students organise their work

Increase reflection on learning in classroom practice

Improve student responsibility for monitoring their learning

The relevant documents can be accessed below: