Health Promoting Schools
Loreto College has been recognised by the HSE as being active participants of the Health Promoting School initiative. This initiative supports schools to focus on health and wellbeing and involves all members of the school community. The Healthy Ireland-Health Promoting Schools’(HPS) Flag was presented by the HSE to the school in recognition of what Loreto College does for the physical and mental wellbeing and health of our students.
The HPS team continue to advocate for whole-school health, and regularly indicate activites for all of our staff and students to take part in. Some events throughout a given academic year highlighted by our HPS team are World Kindness Day where positive affirmation is the focus, promotion of important calendar dates such as Safer Internet Day and World Mental Health Day, the posting of health promoting announcements on year group Google Classrooms - a small few examples of the many endeavours on behalf of this group and their coordinator, PE teacher Ms Therese Malone.
Parents and students are welcome to click here to access a Padlet full of tips, advice and guidelines on living your best and healthiest lifestyle.